
My research is largely self-funded but is nevertheless supported through the kind generosity of various individuals and organizations.

The main financial support for my research comes from researchers, academics, authors, journalists and therapists who pay me for my web design and management services through my business WPScholars.

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No profit is made using the affiliate links on this website. Affiliate earnings are only used to pay for the maintenance and development of my research website (eg., hosting charges, plugin licenses, software services, etc.) and for buying resources to support my research (e.g., books, courses, conference fees).

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Previous support

My research has been generously supported in the past by the following organizations:

Economic and Social Research Council

Social Sciences Research Council

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Science and Engineering Research Council

Medical Research Council

European Commission

British Council

Netherlands Research Organization

Cabinet Office

Association of Greater Manchester Authorities

University of Manchester

University of Amsterdam.