Academic Web Design.
Wordpress Websites Tailor-Made for Researchers, Authors and Educators.

Why researchers and authors choose me to create their academic website.
I'm an ex-academic who turned web designer in 2013. I build and maintain WordPress websites exclusively for individuals whose needs I understand well: researchers, authors, and educators.
I create an effective web presence that increases the impact of your professional work, projects, and publications. I customise the design of every page for search engine optimisation so that your website is easy to find and your audience grows.
My websites look great, and with an intuitive editor, they're easy to keep up-to-date, with full video training provided.
- Personal Academic Websites / Research Blogs
- Project Websites / Outreach Websites
- Laboratory Websites / Centre Websites
- Author Websites / Book Websites
- Tutor Websites / Course Websites
- Consultant Websites / Therapist Websites
I also provide affordable website hosting and site care plans, so you can leave all the technicalities of website ownership to me, and focus on what you do best.
Find out more by reading Frequently Asked Questions about my services,
browse Case Studies for examples of websites I've built, or Contact Me to discuss your website ideas.

My business is based in the UK, but operates globally. I currently provide website services to researchers and educators based in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Case Studies
Ruth's an investigative journalist. She wanted a website to promote her latest book and film projects, and also present an archive of her published articles. We chose a strong, clean style, and a structure for all her work that was easy to browse. Sandra's a psychology professor. She wanted a personal academic website to present her outreach activities alongside her research and publications. We chose a bold, magazine style design that headlined her latest activities, and presented a news blog of her work. Len wanted a website to provide information about his personal counselling service, and a way for potential clients to contact him easily. It was important to keep the design clean, light, and easy to use, and the project within his limited budget. Carola wanted a website to publicise her first published book, and sell it directly through her website. We designed her site around the artwork she had commissioned for her book cover. We included several elements to inform about the book, including a video trailer, sample downloadable chapter, and reviews. This is an example of a website emanating from a research project that was built to provide information for end users. In this text-heavy site we use plenty of white space to lighten the experience. The home page displays the different categories of information available, together with a prominent newsletter opt-in form, and a disclaimer. Ruth Yeoman already had a personal academic website, but she wanted someone who understood her professional needs to look after all the technical aspects of hosting and maintaining her site, and at an affordable price. Read what I did, as well as full details of my Site Care plans. This was an urgent project for a book launch and author website. Working with the client over email and phone, we completed the project in a day. Includes links to order the book, details of the Launch event on Zoom – including a useful countdown timer, descriptions of the book and the author, book reviews, and a registration form for the event.Ruth's Author Website
Sandra's Personal Academic Website
Len's Therapist Website
Carola's Book Website
Project Outreach Website
Website Managed Hosting and Site Care
Book Launch Event Website
Interested in Working together?
Contact me to discuss your academic website
If you'd like to learn more about how I could help you realise your website, please click the button below and fill in my contact form.